NMath User's Guide

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18.2 Value Operations on Matrices (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)

The NMath structured sparse matrix classes have read-only properties for all shape parameters, and for the underlying data vector:

Table 13 – Structured sparse matrix shape parameters

Matrix Type

Read-Only Properties

Lower Triangular

Order, Rows, Cols, DataVector

Upper Triangular

Order, Rows, Cols, DataVector


Order, Rows, Cols, DataVector


Order, Rows, Cols, DataVector


Rows, Cols, LowerBandwidth, UpperBandwidth, Bandwidth, DataVector


Rows, Cols, DataVector

Symmetric Banded

Order, Rows, Cols, HalfBandwidth, Bandwidth, DataVector

Hermitian Banded

Order, Rows, Cols, HalfBandwidth, Bandwidth, DataVector

On square matrix types, the Rows and Cols properties simply return the order. On banded types, the Bandwidth property returns the total bandwidth. For general banded matrices, the total bandwidth is LowerBandwidth + UpperBandwidth + 1; for symmetric and Hermitian banded types, the total bandwidth is 2 * HalfBandwidth + 1.

For example, if A is a FloatHermitianBandMatrix instance:

Code Example – C# matrix

int order = A.Order;
int cols = A.Cols;               // cols == order
int rows = A.Rows;               // rows == order
int halfband = A.HalfBandwidth
int band = A.Bandwidth           // band = 2 * halfband + 1
FloatComplexVector data = A.DataVector;

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim Order As Integer = A.Order
Dim Cols As Integer = A.Cols             ' cols == order
Dim Rows As Integer = A.Rows             ' rows == order
Dim HalfBand As Integer = A.HalfBandwidth
Dim band As Integer = A.Bandwidth        ' band = 2 * halfband + 1
Dim Data As FloatComplexVector = A.DataVector

Accessing and Modifying Matrix Values

The matrix classes provide standard indexers for getting and setting element value at a specified row and column position in a matrix. Thus, A[i,j] always returns the element in the ith row and jth column of matrix A's view of the data.

NOTE—Indexing starts at 0.

Attempts to set zero elements outside the stored region to nonzero values raise a NonModifiableElementException. For instance:

Code Example – C# matrix

var A = new FloatComplexTriDiagMatrix( 8, 8 );
  A[7,0] = new FloatComplex( 1, -1 );
catch ( NonModifiableElementException )
  // Do something here

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim A As New FloatComplexTriDiagMatrix(8, 8)
  A(7, 0) = New FloatComplex(1.0F, -1.0F)
Catch NonModifiableElementException
  ' Do something here
End Try

Symmetric matrices are in a different category than the other structured sparse matrix types, because unstored values are not constrained to be zero. Thus, even though only the upper triangular region is stored, you can "set" values in the lower triangular region. The corresponding value in the upper triangular region is changed. Thus:

Code Example – C# matrix

var A = new DoubleSymmetricMatrix( 12 );
Console.WriteLine( A[7,2] );  // "0"
Console.WriteLine( A[2,7] );  // "0"
A[7,2] = 1;
Console.WriteLine( A[7,2] );  // "1"
Console.WriteLine( A[2,7] );  // "1"

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim A As New DoubleSymmetricMatrix(12)
Console.WriteLine(A(7, 2))  ' "0"
Console.WriteLine(A(2, 7))  ' "0"
A(7, 2) = 1
Console.WriteLine(A(7, 2))  ' "1"
Console.WriteLine(A(2, 7))  ' "1"

Resizing a Matrix

The matrix classes provide Resize() methods for changing the size of a matrix after it has been created. Zeros are added or values are truncated as necessary. For instance:

Code Example – C# matrix

int order = 7;
var data =
  new DoubleComplexVector( ( order * ( order + 1 )) / 2,
  new RandGenMTwist() );
var A = new DoubleHermitianMatrix( data );

DoubleHermitianMatrix B2 = (DoubleHermitianMatrix)B.Clone();
B2.Resize( B.Order + 2 );

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim Order As Integer = 7
Dim Data As New DoubleComplexVector((Order * (Order + 1)) / 2,
  New RandGenMTwist())
Dim A As New DoubleHermitianMatrix(Data)

Dim B2 As DoubleHermitianMatrix = CType(B.Clone(), 
B.Resize(B.Order + 2)

