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FloatComplexSVDecompServer Properties

The FloatComplexSVDecompServer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyComputeFull Gets and sets the server property that determines whether the full or reduced singular value decomposition is computed.
Public propertyComputeLeftVectors Gets and sets the server property that determines whether or not the left singular vectors are computed.
Public propertyComputeRightVectors Gets and sets the server property that determines whether or not the right singular vectors are computed.
Public propertyInPlace Gets and sets the in place factor option. If true the matrix decomposition will be performed in place, overwritting the contents of the matrix. No copies of the factored matrix are made in this case. If false the input matrix contents will be preserved at the expense of a copy being made. The default is false.
Public propertyTolerance Gets and sets the tolerance for truncating all singular values. Values less than than the tolerance are set to zero.
See Also