NMath User's Guide

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6.9 Matrix Enumeration (.NET, C#, CSharp, VB, Visual Basic, F#)

NMath matrix classes provide standard .NET GetEnumerator() methods for returning IEnumerator objects. For example:

Code Example – C# matrix

int rows = 13, cols = 3;
var A = new DoubleMatrix( rows, cols, 0, .25 );
IEnumerator elements = A.GetEnumerator();

var data = new double[rows*cols];
i = 0;
while ( elements.MoveNext() )
  data[i++] = (double) elements.Current;

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim Rows As Integer = 13
Dim Cols As Integer = 3
Dim A As New DoubleMatrix(Rows, Cols, 0.0, 0.25)
Dim Elements As IEnumerator = A.GetEnumerator()

Dim Data(Rows * Cols) As Double

Dim I As Integer = 0
While Elements.MoveNext()
  I += 1
  Data(I) = CType(Elements.Current, Double)
End While

Note that the Current property on an IEnumerator returns the current object in the collection, which must then be cast to the appropriate type. NMath also provides custom strongly-typed enumerators: IFloatEnumerator, IDoubleEnumerator, IFloatComplexEnumerator, and IDoubleComplexEnumerator. These avoid casting, and are therefore much faster.

For instance:

Code Example – C# matrix

int rows = 13, cols = 3;
var A = new DoubleMatrix( rows, cols, 0, .25 );
IDoubleEnumerator elements = A.GetDoubleEnumerator();

var data = new double[rows*cols];
i = 0;
while ( elements.MoveNext() )
  data[i++] = elements.Current;       // No need to cast to double

Code Example – VB matrix

Dim Rows As Integer = 13
Dim Cols As Integer = 3
Dim A As New DoubleMatrix(Rows, Cols, 0.0, 0.25)
Dim Elements As IDoubleEnumerator = A.GetDoubleEnumerator()

Dim Data(Rows * Cols) As Double
Dim I As Integer = 0
While Elements.MoveNext()
  I += 1
  Data(I) = Elements.Current ' No need to cast to Double
End While

